“Women Talk Tech” Video Webcast Series to Showcase The World’s Top Female Technical Talent
“Women Talk Tech” will be held at least twice a month. Each 1-hour session will be held at convenient times for women around the world. These sessions will be recorded and available on the Global Tech Women YouTube Channel for broad distribution and visibility.
After each one-hour session, a 15-minute “After Tech” session will be held (at the speaker’s discretion) to discuss a personal challenge each woman has faced in her career and answer questions from the community. If an attendee is only interested in the technical portion of the talk, she/he can leave the event after the first hour.
The purpose of this “After Tech” session is to address the personal and professional challenges technical women face – challenges that are not often addressed by other platforms.
The Goals of Women Talk Tech Webcasts:
1. To provide technical women around the world access to role models, relevant content and inspiration that is convenient and affordable
2. Provide visibility for technical women speakers around the world to showcase their work and accomplishments
3. Change the global conversation on women in tech by showcasing women talking tech – addressing enduring biases around women’s interest, ability, and participation on technical topics.
4. Create opportunities for technical women to experience a variety of options available to them and hear stories of what it possible in the hopes of recruiting and retaining more technical women in the field
5. Creating awareness of Global Tech Women and its mission
6. Provide a closed-feedback loop mechanism on what technical women need and how Global Tech Women can provide support them throughout their personal and professional lives
What problem are we trying to solve with this program?
Technical women are leaving the field at an alarming rate. For example, in the United States, half of all technical women leave by the time they reach mid-level. In India, half of all technical women leave the field every 5 years. In most places around the world, the statistics are somewhere in between.
Around the world, technical women feel isolated, lack role models, experience unconscious bias and unwelcoming cultures, and do not have access to a network that can support them in their personal and professional lives.
Keeping up with technology trends, building out a robust supportive network, and being part of a larger community are not high on technical women’s list of priorities. Day to day demands take all of their time and effort. Access to annual conferences and meetings would help but attendance is often not supported by their organization and cost and time prohibitive. These types of annual events also don’t provide the ongoing support necessary.
Less than 1% of technical women connect with other technical women outside of their organization on a regular basis. This webcast series will decrease isolation, be accessible at times convenient for technical women and is offered at no cost. No matter where you are in the world, “Women Talk Tech” is available at anytime.
This webcast series was the first phase of a platform and network Global Tech Women is building to support, inspire and inform technical women around the world.
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