2014 Conference Program
For details about these sessions, visit the Speakers Page
Session 1:
March 7 11:00 PST
March 7 14:00 EST March 7 19:00 UTC March 8 00:30 IST March 8 06:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
Inner Success and Inner Critics: Claiming Success While Taming Inner Critics (2 Sessions)
Session 1: Diffusing the Inner Critic |
Stacey Sargent, CEO of Connect Growth and Development
Session completed. Watch the recording here.
Session 2:
March 7 12:00 PST
March 7 15:00 EST March 7 20:00 UTC March 8 01:30 IST March 8 7:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
Enabling Workplace Transformation through Activity Based Working
Vanessa Sulikowski, Collaboration Technical Solutions Architect, Cisco
Session completed. Watch the recording here.
Session 3:
March 7 13:00 PST
March 7 16:00 EST March 7 21:00 UTC March 8 02:30 IST March 8 08:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
Women Can Negotiate
Jacqueline Janssen,
Janssen & Associates |
Session completed. Watch the recording here.
This was a 2-part workshop. Due to sound issues, it was combined into one session. |
Session 4:
March 7 14:00 PST
March 7 17:00 PST March 7 22:00 UTC March 8 03:30 IST March 8 09:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
The Power of Branding with Integrity
Fabiola Addamo, Artist & Human Rights Activist
Session completed. Watch the recording here.
Session 5:
March 7 15:00 PST
March 7 18:00 EST March 7 23:00 UTC March 8 04:30 IST March 8 10:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
Panel: Engaging Men in Gender Competence
Moderator: Bonita Banducci, Santa Clara University School of Engineering and Banducci Consulting
Panelists: Faisan Ahmed, Mountz Inc; Motaz Hajaj, Chess Tag; Noé Lozano, Santa Clara University; Scott Lynn, Oracle and Udaya Bhaskar Yalamanchi, EMC |
Session completed. Watch the recording here.
Session 6:
March 7 16:00 PST
March 7 19:00 EST March 8 00:00 UTC March 8 05:30 IST March 8 11:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
Women in ICT - The global failure of intervention programs. IT’s just bad business.
Sonja Bernhardt, CEO ThoughtWare
Session completed. Watch the recording here.
Session 7:
March 7 17:00 PST
March 7 20:00 EST March 8 01:00 UTC March 8 06:30 IST March 8 12:00 Sydney Duration: 30 Minutes |
Gigabit Technology - A New Wireless Frontier
Charlotte Montemayor, Vice President and Head of Marketing, Redstone Technologies
and Steve Tsuruda, Vice President and Head of Strategic Business Development, Redstone Technologies |
Session completed. Watch the recording here.
Session 8:
March 7 17:30 PST
March 7 20:30 EST March 8 01:30 UTC March 8 07:00 IST March 8 12:30 Sydney Duration: 30 minutes |
Becoming a Software Engineer - SESSION CANCELLED - BLIZZARD
Kinsey Durham, gSchool
Session 9:
March 7 18:00 PST
March 7 21:00 EST March 8 02:00 UTC March 8 07:30 IST March 8 13:00 Sydney Duration: 1 hour |
Feminine Feminism - SESSION CANCELLED
Sramana Mitra -Founder of One Million by One Million (1M/1M)
Session 10:
March 7 19:00 PST
March 7 22:00 EST March 8 03:00 UTC March 8 08:30 IST March 8 14:00 Sydney Duration: 1 hour |
Role of Analytics in Delivering Health Information to help fight Cancer in Australia
Katerina Andronis,
Deloitte Consulting, Australia and Chandana Unnithan, Deakin University, Australia |
Session completed. Watch the recording here.
Session 11:
March 7 20:00 PST
March 7 23:00 EST March 8 04:00 UTC March 8 09:30 IST March 8 15:00 Sydney Duration: 1 hour |
Transformation into FIERCE Technical Leaders
Linda Bernardi, author, technology provocateur, entrepreneur/ex-CEO, strategist, investor, lecturer and board member
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 12:
March 7 21:00 PST
March 8 00:00 EST March 8 05:00 UTC March 8 10:30 IST March 8 16:00 Sydney Duration: 30 Minutes |
Orchestrating Web Print Platform Releases for Success
Ruby Tomar, HP
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 13:
March 7 22:00 PST
March 8 01:00 EST March 8 06:00 UTC March 8 11:30 IST March 8 17:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
Effective Test Case Optimization Technique Using Classification Trees Method- CANCELLED
Chandrakanth Reddy, Hewlett Packard; Savitha HK, MVJCE; Suchitra Narayan, Hewlett Packard and Karan Rasur, Hewlett Packard
Session 14:
March 7 23:00 PST
March 8 02:00 EST March 8 07:00 UTC March 8 12:30 IST March 8 18:00 Sydney Duration: 45 Minutes |
Eventlog: Seamlessly Integrated Graphical Debugging Tool
Devi Vellingiri and Binod Kumar, HP
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 15:
March 8 00:00 PST
March 8 03:00 EST March 8 08:00 UTC March 8 13:30 IST March 8 19:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
Women in ICT Leadership - Are We Nearly There?
Chandana Unnithan,
Deakin University, Australia; Renu Rajani, Capgemini, India and Arathi G, RIPL, India |
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 16:
March 8 01:00 PST
March 8 04:00 EST March 8 09:00 UTC March 8 14:30 IST March 8 20:00 Sydney Duration: 30 Minutes |
Save Trees and Print More
Shinoj Bhaskaran and Ruby Tomar, HP
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 17:
March 8 02:00 PST
March 8 05:00 EST March 8 10:00 UTC March 8 15:30 IST March 8 21:00 Sydney Duration: 1 hour |
Be Your Own Technology Brand Ambassador
Pragati Ogal Rai, Chief Technology Evangelist, Paypal
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 18:
March 8 03:00 PST
March 8 06:00 EST March 8 11:00 UTC March 8 16:30 IST March 8 22:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
Design of Risk Analysis for Embedded System Firmware Using Finite State Machine Events - CANCELLED
Chandrakanth Reddy, Hewlett Packard; Savitha HK, MVJCE; Suchitra Narayan, Hewlett Packard and Karan Rasur, Hewlett Packard
Session 19
March 8 04:00 PST
March 8 07:00 EST March 8 12:00 UTC March 8 17:30 IST March 8 23:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
Why Too Few Women at the Top? The Leaky Leadership Pipeline
Latha Uttam, Dell;
Pallavi Baruah, Huawei; Sushma Chakkirala, Intuit India and Uma Ranjan, Phillips Research |
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
March 8 05:00 PST
March 8 08:00 EST March 8 13:00 UTC March 8 18:30 IST March 9 00:00 Sydney Duration: 2 Hours |
Session 20
March 8 07:00 PST
March 8 10:00 EST March 8 15:00 UTC March 8 20:30 IST March 9 02:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
Building a Local Entrepreneurship Ecosystem – Challenges and Opportunities
Hanan Youssef, OTVentures
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 21
March 8 08:00 PST
March 8 11:00 EST March 8 16:00 UTC March 8 21:30 IST March 9 03:00 Sydney Duration: 1 hour |
Building Your Street Cred
Karen Catlin, Founder, Karen Catlin Consulting
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 22
March 8 09:00 PST
March 8 12:00 EST March 8 17:00 UTC March 8 22:30 IST March 9 04:00 Sydney Duration: 1 hour |
Think Agile,
Move Forward |
Aakriti Agarwal,
Deutsche Bank; Vidya Srinivasan, Microsoft; Sophia Xiao, Box Inc.; Tiffany Lentz, ThoughtWorks and Chrissie Cui, VMWare |
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 23
March 8 10:00 PST
March 8 13:00 EST March 8 18:00 UTC March 8 23:30 IST March 9 05:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
Calling Forward the Global Leader in You: Step 1 - Declaring Your Truth
Lucie M. Newcomb, The NewComm Global Group, Inc.
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 24
March 8 11:00 PST
March 8 14:00 EST March 8 19:00 UTC March 9 00:30 IST March 9 06:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
Move Around to Move Ahead: Sustain Your Passion for Technology for the Long Term
Shubha Prithvi Raj, HP
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 25
March 8 12:00 PST
March 8 15:00 EST March 8 20:00 UTC March 9 01:30 IST March 9 07:00 Sydney Duration: 1 Hour |
Brilliance of Women Successes
Moderator: Bonita Banducci, Santa Clara University School of Engineering/Banducci Consulting
Panelists: Amani AlBakry, University of San Francisco; Shradha Cripe, Santa Clara University; Shelly Gordon, G2 Communications; Linda Thompson, Thompson Leadership and Sue Young, Oracle |
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 26
March 8 13:00 PST
March 8 16:00 EST March 8 21:00 UTC March 9 02:30 IST March 9 08:00 Sydney Duration: 1 hour |
How Women Can and Should ‘Drive’ Leadership in Tech vs Following Leaders in Tech!
Linda Bernardi, Author, technology provocateur, entrepreneur/ex-CEO, strategist, investor, lecturer and board member
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 27
March 8 14:00 PST
March 8 15:00 EST March 9 22:00 UTC March 9 03:30 IST March 9 07:00 Sydney Duration: 1 hour |
One Connected World: Building a Blueprint for Universal Internet
Charlotte Montemayor, Vice President and Head of Marketing, Redstone Technologies
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 28
15:00 March 8 PST
18:00 March 8 EST 23:00 March 8 UTC 03:30 March 9 IST 10:00 March 9 Sydney Duration: 1 hour |
Inner Success and Inner Critics: Claiming Success While Taming Inner Critics
Session 2: How to Build You Inner Success Story and Achieve Resilience |
Stacey Sargent, CEO of Connect Growth and Development
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 29
16:00 March 8 PST
19:00 March 8 EST 00:00 March 9 UTC 05:30 March 9 IST 11:00 March 9 Sydney Duration: 30 minutes |
Think Green – Analyzing and Optimizing Power Consumption
Dhanashri Phadke, Symantec
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 30
16:30 March 8 PST
19:30 March 8 EST 00:30 March 9 UTC 06:00 March 9 IST 11:30 March 9 Sydney 1 Hour |
Women Can Negotiate (A 2-part Workshop)
In Part II, you will hear what you will gain over the course of your career by using negotiating skills, learn additional tools, and methods for practicing and succeeding in your negotiations. |
Jacqueline Janssen, Janssen & Associates
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 31
17:30 March 8 PST
20:30 March 8 EST 01:30 March 9 UTC 07:00 March 9 IST 12:30 March 9 Sydney 1 Hour |
Writing Impactful Resumes
Jerri Barrett, SENS Research Foundation
Session complete. Watch the recording here.
Session 32
18:30 March 8 PST
21:30 March 8 EST 02:30 March 9 UTC 08:00 March 9 IST 13:30 March 9 Sydney 1 Hour |
Game Changer for Women in CS: Lessons Learned from Turkey
Umit Yalcinalp Ph.D., Mills College; Gokcen Cilingir Ph.D., Intel and Gulustan Dogan Ph.D., NetApp
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