What People are Saying About the 2013 Voices Conference!
My sessions has touched (removed) views! I am so delighted :)
I am getting great feedback from my classmates at (removed).
I am so grateful to you for giving me an opportunity. It has not only boosted my confidence, it has also helped me to strengthen my network.
Looking forward to contribute more for Global Tech Women! - Anonymous
...this conference (is) like a gigantic LISTENING for the VOICES of women in technology, evoking from us our deepest thoughts? WHAT AN INCREDIBLE CONTRIBUTION to us all and to the world!!! - Anonymous
i love that this conference lends itself to LIFE. i for example, am going to sign off to go pick up grandkids at school! then have dinner, then tune in again; and then catch up on all i miss because of the rest of life, in the days following the 2 day break before the entire conference is up for a month! yes!!!! thank you so much deanna!!! - Barb W
"I already received feedback from a Bolivian woman! Am enjoying listening to the sessions on VOICES conference. Great way to spend International Women's Day! Thanks Deanna Kosaraju, Global Tech Women, Global Women's Leadership Network and Joan Banich." - Diti M
Bravo! I think Global Tech Women have put together a terrific schedule of speakers for this worldwide Voices Conference. I will be catching a few of the presentations live, and look forward to savoring the wisdom, energy and inspiration of all of the speakers as I review the presentations over the next few weeks. - Linda J
The conference has helped me as a social entrepreneur to understand the issues of tech women and find many common bonds. Tech women are concerned about social and economic justice as was highlighted in the ThoughtWorks presentation. I loved the presentation of my Pakistani sisters! - Ana M
So glad this day is making its way to really become an international women's day. One of those good things that survived decline of communism :-) - Sergey A
LUMS Alumnae Represent Pakistan at VOICES 2013
LUMS (Pakistan) - (March 11 2013)

Four LUMS alumnae, including Saima Mushtaq (MS CS Class 2006) – who is also adjunct faculty at the Department of Computer Science, Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE), LUMS; Wajiha Kanwal from MS CS Class 2008; Ayesha Afzal from MS CS Class 2005 and Dr. Bushra Anjum from MS CS Class of 2005 represented Pakistan on Women’s Day (March 8, 2013) at VOICES 2013, an international conference by Global Tech Women.
Google Celebrates The Voices of Women In Technology
The Technology Cafe (Pakistan) - Sameer Saleem (March 9 2013)

Women were some of the first programmers and continue to make a major impact on the programming world today. We think it’s important to highlight the great work women are doing in computer science, to help provide role models for young women thinking about careers in computing.
Today is International Women’s Day, and as one of our contributions to the celebration, we’re proud to supportVoices Global Conference, presented by Global Tech Women. As part of this 24-hour live streamed event, Google will provide more than a dozen hours of free talks featuring women working in computer science, beginning today. To access the full schedule and our ongoing broadcasts, see our section on the Voices website, which will be updated throughout the day.
Today is International Women’s Day, and as one of our contributions to the celebration, we’re proud to supportVoices Global Conference, presented by Global Tech Women. As part of this 24-hour live streamed event, Google will provide more than a dozen hours of free talks featuring women working in computer science, beginning today. To access the full schedule and our ongoing broadcasts, see our section on the Voices website, which will be updated throughout the day.
科技圈女人有话说,Google 支持
Ifanr (China) (March 8 2013)

Global Tech Women 的创始人 Deanna Kosaraju 举办了一场 24 小时的活动—--Voices Global Conference。活动上,从事科技和工程行业的女性将进行专题讨论,整个过程全球直播。Voices Global 网页这么介绍该活动,其目的在于“讨论、合作和庆祝科技领域女性的贡献”。
为了支持这次活动,Google 提供了超过 12 小时的直播谈话,邀请了计算机科学领域的女性进行分享,包括对行业领军人物的采访。讨论将覆盖广泛的范围,从各种关于公平和多样性的问题,到具体领域的讨论,如 Google 计算引擎。
为了支持这次活动,Google 提供了超过 12 小时的直播谈话,邀请了计算机科学领域的女性进行分享,包括对行业领军人物的采访。讨论将覆盖广泛的范围,从各种关于公平和多样性的问题,到具体领域的讨论,如 Google 计算引擎。
Google dá suporte ao Voices Global Conference
TecMundo (Brazil) Paulo Guilherme (March 8 2013)

Você achou que tudo o que a Google faria para homenagear as mulheres em seu dia seria criar um simples doodle? Pois saiba que a empresa está fazendo muito mais do que isso.
De acordo com um anúncio feito em seu blog oficial, a Google declarou que vai dar suporte ao Voices Global Conference, um evento que transmite palestras feitas por mulheres importantes do mundo da tecnologia durante as 24 horas do Dia Internacional da Mulher.
De acordo com um anúncio feito em seu blog oficial, a Google declarou que vai dar suporte ao Voices Global Conference, um evento que transmite palestras feitas por mulheres importantes do mundo da tecnologia durante as 24 horas do Dia Internacional da Mulher.
Google viert Vrouwendag met conferentie
Techzine (Belgium) Erwin Gielens (March 8 2013)

Deanna Kosaraje organiseert het 24 uur durende evenement, dat invulling vindt van vrouwen in de techniek en design. Het doel van het live te volgen event is volgens de website het "discussiëren, samenwerken en vieren van de bijdragen van vrouwen in de techniek."
Google steunt het project met meer dan twaalf uur aan livestreams en on-deman gesprekken van vrouwen werkzaam in de informatica. De gigant host onder andere nieuwe afleveringen van de Women Techmakers-serie en interviews met kopstukken van de industrie. Ze bespreken een breed scala aan onderwerpen, van diversiteit en eerlijkheid tot meer specifieker Google's Compute Engine.
Google steunt het project met meer dan twaalf uur aan livestreams en on-deman gesprekken van vrouwen werkzaam in de informatica. De gigant host onder andere nieuwe afleveringen van de Women Techmakers-serie en interviews met kopstukken van de industrie. Ze bespreken een breed scala aan onderwerpen, van diversiteit en eerlijkheid tot meer specifieker Google's Compute Engine.
Google lanza ‘Voices Global Conference’ por el Día Internacional de la Mujer
TIC Beat (Argentina) (March 8 2013)

Se trata del ‘Voices Global Conference‘, presentado por Global Tech Women en un evento de 24 horas de streaming que retransmitirá Google. Las mujeres están entre los primeros programadores y continúan impactando el mundo de la programación. “Creemos que es importante incidir en el gran trabajo que las mujeres están realizando en la informática, para proporcionar modelos a seguir para las jóvenes que estén pensando en carreras de informática”, apunta el blog de Google.
Begini Cara Google Merayakan Hari Perempuan Internasional
Chip ID Online (Indonesia) - Insaf Albert Tarigan (March 8 2013)

Diluncurkan oleh Deanna Kosaraju, pendiri Global Tech Women, konferensi tersebut akan diisi pemaparan oleh perempuan yang bergerak di bidang teknologi dan teknik, dan disiarkan secara langsung dari seluruh dunia. Menurut situs Voices Global, acara tersebut merupakan ajang untuk mendiskusikan dan merayakan kontribusi dari perempuan yang bekerja di bidang teknis.
Google celebrates Women's Day by giving voice to women in tech
The Verge - Amar Toor (March 8 2013)

Google today is hosting a selection of livestreamed talks and keynotes from the Voices Global Conference — a 24-hour event held in celebration of International Women's Day. Launched by Deanna Kosaraju, founder of Global Tech Women, Friday's conference will feature talks delivered by women in tech and engineering, broadcast live from across the globe. The idea, according to the Voices Global website, is to "discuss, collaborate and celebrate the contributions of technical women."
International Women's Day: Google Celebrates Women In Technology
iTech Post - Hilda Scott (March 8 2013)

The founder of Global Tech Women, Deanna Kosajuru, launched the conference to connect women in technical professions all around the world. Its mission is to "individually and collectively to discuss, collaborate and celebrate the contributions of technical women." Google helped to sponsor Kosajuru on her project "India's Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing" in 2010. The success of the conference grew significantly by 2012 and Google jumped at the opportunity to help with the Voices Global Conference.
"We knew it was a great opportunity to help women and other audiences around the world learn more and get inspired about the contributions women are making to technology and computer science," said Beryl Nelson, software engineering manager at Google.
"We knew it was a great opportunity to help women and other audiences around the world learn more and get inspired about the contributions women are making to technology and computer science," said Beryl Nelson, software engineering manager at Google.
Celebrate Women's Day by Meeting Female Trailblazers in Technology
Geek Sugar - Nicole Nguyen (March 8 2013)

Want to know what being a woman in tech is all about? How about being a woman in tech in . . . Africa? For this year's International Women's Day, we're celebrating leading ladies around the world by tuning in to the voices of female trailblazers in technology. Google is live streaming the Voices Global Conference, a 24-hour event hosted by Global Tech Women.
All of the Voices Global Conference sessions feature women working in computer science and will be available for free throughout the day. In addition to the streaming videos, Google will be uploading new episodes of its Women Techmakers series to give more visibility to female developers at the top and provide role models for the next generation of engineers.
All of the Voices Global Conference sessions feature women working in computer science and will be available for free throughout the day. In addition to the streaming videos, Google will be uploading new episodes of its Women Techmakers series to give more visibility to female developers at the top and provide role models for the next generation of engineers.
Happy International Women's Day!
Google Account Managers (March 8 2013)

To celebrate, we're participating in the Voices Global Conference (http://goo.gl/Vbgbg), a 24-hour live streamed event. Google will provide more than a dozen hours of free talks featuring women working in computer science.
Our sessions will include videos from our Women Techmakers series, interviews with women leaders and discussions focusing on technologies like Google Compute Engine. For a sneak peek of the type of content we’ll be providing, check out this video featuring Engineering Director Pavni Diwanji, which was produced in conjunction with PBS’ MAKERS series.
You can view additional videos and learn more about how we're supporting women in technology at: http://www.google.com/diversity/women/
Our sessions will include videos from our Women Techmakers series, interviews with women leaders and discussions focusing on technologies like Google Compute Engine. For a sneak peek of the type of content we’ll be providing, check out this video featuring Engineering Director Pavni Diwanji, which was produced in conjunction with PBS’ MAKERS series.
You can view additional videos and learn more about how we're supporting women in technology at: http://www.google.com/diversity/women/
Voices of Women in Technology
Google: Official Blog - Beryl Nelson (March 7 2013)

Tomorrow is International Women’s Day, and as one of our contributions to the celebration, we’re proud to supportVoices Global Conference, presented by Global Tech Women. As part of this 24-hour live streamed event, Google will provide more than a dozen hours of free talks featuring women working in computer science, beginning today. To access the full schedule and our ongoing broadcasts, see our section on the Voices website, which will be updated throughout the day.
The Voices Global Conference is the brainchild of Global Tech Women’s founder Deanna Kosaraju, who also startedIndia’s Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in 2010 with grant support from Google. The India conferences, which provide a forum for women to share their professional and research work in computing, have grown rapidly, with more than 800 attendees in 2012. So when Deanna proposed this global, 24-hour streamed conference, we knew it was a great opportunity to help women and other audiences around the world learn more and get inspired about the contributions women are making to technology and computer science.
The Voices Global Conference is the brainchild of Global Tech Women’s founder Deanna Kosaraju, who also startedIndia’s Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in 2010 with grant support from Google. The India conferences, which provide a forum for women to share their professional and research work in computing, have grown rapidly, with more than 800 attendees in 2012. So when Deanna proposed this global, 24-hour streamed conference, we knew it was a great opportunity to help women and other audiences around the world learn more and get inspired about the contributions women are making to technology and computer science.
Why I Started Global Tech Women and the Voices Conference
Scrappy Women in Business (March 6 2013)

Deanna Kosaraju ran the largest physical conference for women in computing in the world called the Grace Hopper Celebration in the US and was the conference founder for the Grace Hopper conference in India. Now she's rocking the world with the Global Tech Women Conference. She wrote a blog for "ScrappyWomen.biz" about it - check it out!
International Women's Day & Voices For You
Interdisciplinary Computing Blog - Lisa Kaczmarczyk (March 4 2013)

There is a global movement afoot to connect technical women to each other. Many of us already know the power of community building and outreach. But there are people out there who have not yet experienced enough of these opportunities. Most of us, in fact I'd wager. International Women's Day provides a motivational opportunity to continue building and reaching. In terms of walking the talk, there is no better day of the year to connect technical women to one another.
Voila: The Voices Global Conference: a virtual, global conference for technical women. No travel required, miniscule investment involved. You need access to a computer. That's it. I believe that every continent is taking part in this conference, during their Friday this week (March 8th - International Women's Day). It's all online - talk about creative. It's interactive. It's diverse, it's inclusive...ok, I'm waxing in the direction of poetic. Or something like that.
The Voices Global Conference is an incredible opportunity to learn, to listen, to share, to network, to gain access to some incredibly talented, successful, influential women in the computing world.
Voila: The Voices Global Conference: a virtual, global conference for technical women. No travel required, miniscule investment involved. You need access to a computer. That's it. I believe that every continent is taking part in this conference, during their Friday this week (March 8th - International Women's Day). It's all online - talk about creative. It's interactive. It's diverse, it's inclusive...ok, I'm waxing in the direction of poetic. Or something like that.
The Voices Global Conference is an incredible opportunity to learn, to listen, to share, to network, to gain access to some incredibly talented, successful, influential women in the computing world.